Participation de Diku Dilenga au Sommet du microcrédit en Espagne, en novembre 2011

Diku Dilenga est fière d’annoncer qu’elle sera représentée au prochain Sommet du microcrédit, qui se tiendra en Espagne à Valladolid au mois de Novembre 2011. Son directeur exécutif, le révérend Tambwe Musangelu, interviendra en tant que paneliste dans l’atelier « Leçons apprises en utilisant la microfinance en zone de catastrophes et à la fin d’un conflit. ». Veuillez trouvez ci-dessous l’annonce officielle provenant de l’organisation du sommet.

Executive Director of Diku Dilenga RD du Congo Rev. Tambwe Musangelu Serving as a Workshop Panelist at the Microcredit Summit Executive Director of Diku Dilenga RD du Congo Rev. Tambwe Musangelu will serve as a Workshop Panelist at the Global Microcredit Summit to be held November 14-17, 2011 in Valladolid, Spain. The workshop is titled: « Learning from Real World Experiences: Lessons Learned in Using Microfinance in Post Conflict and Post Disaster Situations. » The Summit will bring together more than 2000 participants from over 100 countries. Confirmed participants include H.M. Queen Sofía of Spain, Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus and Sir Fazle Abed of BRAC. Delegates will have the opportunity to participate in 6 plenary sessions, more than 50 workshops, over 30 associated sessions, a variety of day-long courses, as well as field visits to leading institutions around the world in the days before the Summit. Delegates from over 60 countries are already confirmed! Reduced Registration rates extended until July 15, 2011! For more information go to:

Sam Daley-Harris | Director

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